

Blending Western medicine and tradition: Indigenous clinic opens in Montreal

Bulletin of the Centre (December 2021)

Have you listened to all the "talking sticks" voiced by Indigenous health workers? Indulge yourself by reading our end-of-year newsletter, and also read about the scientific training we gave and the gardens we cared for this year.

IHCT Bulletin Dec. 2021

Montreal Arts Council Prize for the project "7 quilts for children of Joyce Echaquan" (June 2021)

Arts Council Prize, and selection for the Audience Prize: ​​​

IHCT Newsletter (November 29, 2020)

Yes! We want to create an Indigenous holistic health and wellness Centre in Montreal, and train front-line workers in cultural safety - and in the meantime we start spiritual services at Notre Dame Hospital, we collaborate with Kiuna College, we make representations to the Prime Minister, we grow a medicinal garden...

IHCT Newsletter

​Health Care Services Funding for Indigenous People ​(November 6, 2020) (from 11.57 to 13.52)

Autochtones : en tant que praticiens du domaine de la santé, nous avons honte (November 4, 2020)

IHCT Newsletter (July 14, 2019)

To read about the Indigenous Navigators project with City of Montreal, the traditional garden or the hope for a building location downtown, read our newsletter below!

Newsletter in English

Aboriginal Urban Design for Health (June 2, 2017)

Les Autochtones réclament un centre de santé à Montréal (April 7, 2017)

Pascale Annoual - Un centre de santé dédié aux amérindiens, métis et inuits de la métropole (March 17, 2017)

Mayor Coderre holds consultations to open Montreal Urban Aboriginal Health Centre (February 14, 2017)

Montreal Urban Aboriginal Health Centre Moving Forward: Community Members Push to See More From Canadian Government (January 31, 2017)

Un centre médical autochtone à Montréal désiré January 23, 2017)

A dream for better health (October 2, 2016)